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Nutrition Counseling & Naturopathy

Expertly treating pain in the Fort Lee, NJ area

Health is achieved by the way we live and how we fuel ourselves. Here at Ishitani Health Center, we offer patients nutrition counseling and naturopathic medicine. The goal of naturopathic medicine and other branches of holistic medicine is to help patients achieve total health and balance with their body. As part of that goal, our experienced chiropractors and other health professionals here at Ishitani Health Center provide specific recommendations on nutritional supplements and healthy food choices to assist a patient on their return to optimal health.

Dr. Humaira Quraishi, N.D., a naturopathic doctor and clinical nutritionist, utilizes her experience in nutrition, homeopathy, and other natural, non-invasive methods to address both acute and chronic conditions, with a focus on specialized diet management to bring you back to optimal health. Dr. Quraishi utilizes various methods to address both acute and chronic diseases as well as to prevent future disease.

What is naturopathic medicine?

Naturopathic medicine, or naturopathy, is a form of alternative medicine that focuses on preventive care and promoting health and wellbeing through natural, non-invasive techniques and therapies. Treatments are highly specialized for each patient, with consideration of the root causes of each patient’s symptoms in order to give the body what it needs to achieve optimal health. To restore or maintain health in her patients, Dr. Quraishi utilizes a combination of methods including diet and nutrition management, herbal medicine, supplements, mind-body therapy, hydrotherapy, homeopathy, and lifestyle assessment and coaching. She believes that nutrition and natural remedies are at the core of promoting good health and self-healing, one of the foundations of the philosophy behind naturopathic medicine.

Some of the conditions that can be treated by naturopathic medicine include:

  • General health conditions (allergies, skin, weight)
  • Musculoskeletal health
  • Women’s health
  • Cardiovascular health
  • Digestive health
  • Endocrine disorders (thyroid, diabetes, PCOS)
  • Pain management
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Ear/nose/throat
  • Cancer recovery support
  • Pediatric and geriatric care

Make an appointment with Dr. Humaira Quraishi today and learn more about the natural methods that can help you live a happier, healthier life.

If you believe you could benefit from high-quality care, consider getting treatment from the staff at Ishitani Health Center. Our dedicated staff will be pleased to answer your questions today. We can also help you schedule a time to visit our Fort Lee office.

Call Us: (201) 302-9993