How invisa-RED™ works
Weight & Fat Reduction in the Fort Lee, NJ area
invisa-RED™ technology stimulates cellular respiration, lymphatic function and increases the metabolism through the synthesis of Adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Irradiation of invisa-RED™’s dual coherent laser wavelengths (red 680nm and infrared 980nm) exert an overall effect of photobiostimulation on the cellular metabolism.
Photobleaching (pulsing) of the light energy and interference from these coherent wavelengths, allow for a higher rate of energy density (absorption into cells) and deeper penetration into the subcutaneous adipose tissue. Fat is utilized as an energy source from the supercharged metabolism as well as removed from the body via lymphatic excretion (urine & sweat).
The rapid absorption of laser energy heats the subcutaneous tissue and increases localized blood flow to transfer nutrients and oxygen in the cells. The saturation of oxygen triggers cellular respiration and is processed into cellular energy generating the synthesis of Adenosine Tri Phosphate (ATP), enhancing the body’s natural metabolism for the immediate utilization of stored fat energy.

The pulsed laser energy accelerates and replicates this metabolic process for 15 – 20 minutes during treatment.
The heat absorbed by the tissue amplifies the production of collagen and elastin to create tighter and healthier skin as well as fading stretch marks. The increased collagen production repairs and strengthens connective tissues to eliminate cellulite from the targeted area.
Hemoglobin from the increased blood flow transports waste products and toxins out of the adipose cells into the blood stream to be removed from the body.
Treatment times are dramatically shorter and substantially more effective with our technology. Within two minutes of the treatment; water, glycerol, triglycerides, and toxins are released from the fat cells. Most of the released fat is utilized as an energy source from the supercharged metabolism as well as removed from the body via lymphatic excretion (urine & sweat). The supercharged metabolism will continue to burn fat for several hours after treatments just like it would from high intensity exercise and strength training. Cells are not harmed during the process unlike invasive procedures.
Energy density or absorption rate of the energy into the fat cells plays a major role in patients’ results. To accomplish optimal absorption rate of energy several factors must be taken into consideration; service being performed, site of area being treated, skin tone and severity of the issue. Since all patients differ in these factors, general cookie cutter protocols from single frequency machines have proven to be inconsistent in their results in many cases.
invisa-RED™ technology penetrates tissue to a depth of about 40 mm. Laser energy at wavelengths of 680nm & 980nm are very beneficial in treating problems close to the surface such as cellulite, stretch marks, skin elasticity, collagen production, wrinkles, acne, and is particularly effective in removing fat from unwanted problem areas..
The diverse tissue and cell types in the body all have their own unique light absorption characteristics; that is, they will only absorb light at specific wavelengths and not at others. For example, skin layers, because of their high blood and water content, absorb red light very readily, while adipose tissue (fat cells) absorb infra-red light.
Low Level Laser Diodes are safe concentrated light sources used to produce the specific wavelengths of light that provide therapeutic benefits of light therapy without adverse side effects.
If you believe you could benefit from high-quality care, consider getting treatment from the staff at Ishitani Health Center. Our dedicated staff will be pleased to answer your questions today. We can also help you schedule a time to visit our Fort Lee office.
Call Us: (201) 233-3355