How Acupuncture Works?

In traditional Chinese medicine, life has a vital force called the "qi". It has two portions which are the Yin and Yang. When the Yin and Yang are in harmonious balance, the organs in the body will function well or there is health. On the other hand, there is illness when these two forces are out of balance and a disruption to organ functioning happens.
The Qi flows along the pathways in our bodies, called meridians. It can be accessed through 350 specific points in the body. Painlessly inserting micro-thin needles into these points rebalances the flow of energy. This process is called acupuncture therapy.
In neuroscience, acupuncture points are in fact locations where you can stimulate nerves, connective tissues and muscles. Triggering these points increases blood flow at the same time, activating the natural pain killers of the body.
Acupuncture is a productive treatment for the following conditions:
- Low Back Pain
- Headaches and Migraines
- Neck Pain
- Shoulder Pain
- Hip, Knee, Elbow, and Wrist Pain
- Hand Pain
- Foot Pain/Plantar Fasciitis
To learn more about acupuncture and its benefits, contact Ishitani Health Center.