Why Choose Physical Therapy over Surgery

As promised on our last blog post, we’re back with you today to continue the discussion regarding the benefits of physical therapy over surgery. But first, allow us to introduce ourselves to those of you unfamiliar with our Fort Lee-based Ishitani Health Center! We are a highly trained and experienced staff and group of board-certified health professionals who deliver a wide range of healthcare services. Those services include (but are not limited to) Chiropractic care services, Physical Therapy services, Acupuncture care, Naturopathic care, and Spinal Decompression treatment.
So, let’s talk about the benefits of physical therapy vs. surgery.
Even with surgery, many patients find themselves unable to return to their preinjury or pre-pain lifestyle. Moreover, many surgical patients find it necessary to take opioids to manage post-surgery pain and even maintain taking opioids if the pain subsides but continues. Physical therapy, on the hand, works well at effectively managing pain both as an alternative to surgery and as a post-surgery treatment.
There are many benefits to physical therapy that make it a better option than surgery:
- It maximizes your ability to move pain-free. Physical therapists are considered movement experts, knowing how the body should move and spotting when something is wrong. They’ll treat movement problems to decrease pain and get you back to normal.
- It strengthens the right muscles. Many times, injury and pain stem from muscle instability and weakness. Physical therapists can spot those weaknesses and give you strengthening exercises that prevent pain, injury, and ultimately surgery.
- Because physical therapy does such a good job with pain management, many patients find it unnecessary to take opioids or have surgery. Avoiding opioids and surgery are two the biggest benefits for physical therapy as long-term pain management
Need questions answered about how to improve your overall health and wellness? One simple call to the Ishitani Health Center can put you on course to dramatically improved health and overall quality of life.